Friday, November 4, 2011

Life's truckin' along

Im horrible, I know! Seriously, you mommy bloggers, how do you do it?! I spend the majority of my day crawling/growling/chasing/laughing after B all day, the last thing I want to do after he's in bed is get online. But, I need to start - I'm missing out kn blogging so much!!

Brax is "cruising" everywhere - wont be long until he's walking everywhere!! He's about to be 11 months - which makes me so sad, he's growing way too fast. ((Shh, makes me want another one!))

We took B trunk-or-treating in his cute dinosaur costume, he didn't seem to care too much abojt what was going kn, but we did. :)

I'll come back Blogger, I promise. Until then, I'm enjoying the time with my little man.

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